Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When me and Eric (my boyfriend) got engaged we started to talk about what this meant and how it was going to change everything. And in order to have the best wedding anyone in our family has ever been to or seen we have to do everything perfect. I don't know about the rest of the couples out there but we decided to set a budget so that we will know exactly what we are able to spend and not go in debt. Our budget was set to $70,000. It's a pretty large amount, but we decided on that budget because we have the money and because we have been saving for a little over two years just for this day and it has to be perfect, we both haven't been working two jobs for nothing. Once our budget was set we had to choose a day. The day we chose was like a year away because we needed a lot of time to find everything we need and want without time running out. It's hard to choose a day because we both have big families and everyone works. The worst thing is that our families are all over the US and in Mexico so we needed a day that would make it easy for everyone to travel. In order to find a venue you must know around how many people you are trying to invite so that you find a place they will all fit in, so a guest list is needed. keep in mind that there is a possibility they may not all show up.


The first step is for those who are going to propose to the one who they feel is the person that will make them happy for the rest of their life. Keep in mind that in that life its not always going to be pink and pretty, hard times also are included. CHOOSING THE RIGHT RING. Come on guys!!! Us woman give guys hints all the time!!! I doubt there is one couple out there that has never walked by a jewelry store and dragged in to see THE RINGS. For example, me. My boyfriend and I have walked in the mall past a jewelry store, and one way or another have made my way back to that store "just to see." I used to always be like; "Oh my gosh baby look at that ring! That is the prettiest thing I have seen." HINT!! And if choosing the right ring is too hard for you propose first and then together choose the ring. And girls lets be a little easy on those guys that tried so so hard to buy the perfect ring which is not even close to perfect. Be honest and let them know because if you don't you will not keep good care of it, you'll probably end up loosing it on purpose :) The second thing you need to think about is where and how to propose. There are so many places to do this, but make sure its somewhere special to you both. And as for how to propose, you are on your own because you need to have the words come out of your heart. OH and guys just let it out!!


I'm a 21 year old daughter, sister, girlfriend, student and worker. I have two jobs, the first is as a teller in Bank of America and the second as a waitress at my fathers restaurant known as Celia's. My everyday routine is school, the bank, the restaurant, and finally home to do homework. I have had hard days these past two weeks because as some of you might know we got robbed twice in a week. Being in such situation does throw you off and it also interferes with your personal life. But nothing that has happened to me these past weeks is a stressfull as planning your own wedding. That is why I have decided to write my blog on tips as I plan my wedding so that hopefully I can help release some stress from those planning theirs.